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ISO 27001

LOOKUP Achieves ISO 27001 Certification: A New Chapter in Our Commitment to Excellence


 A Commitment to Information Security

We are proud to announce that LOOKUP has been officially awarded the ISO 27001 certification. This globally recognized standard affirms our unwavering commitment to information security management practices and signifies a new chapter in our journey as a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is an international standard outlining best practices for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). It provides a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information, ensuring it remains secure. It includes people, processes, and IT systems by applying a risk management process.

Our Journey to Certification

Achieving this certification was a rigorous process that involved a complete assessment of our information security management system covering all aspects of the business, including:

  1. Data Protection and Privacy
  2. Risk Management Protocols
  3. Physical and Technical Safeguards
  4. Legal Compliance

Benefits for Our Clients

– Enhanced Data Protection: With ISO 27001, our clients can rest assured that we adhere to the highest standards for data security.

– Assured Business Continuity: Our robust risk management and business continuity strategies mean we can guarantee service delivery, even in unforeseen circumstances.

– Increased Credibility: This certification is a testament to our professional integrity and the trust you can place in us as your MSP.

– Comprehensive Compliance: We help our clients meet their regulatory and legal obligations with confidence.

Our Promise

This certification is not just about meeting a set of criteria; it’s about embedding a culture of security in every layer of our work. At LOOKUP, we are constantly evolving and improving our processes to not just meet, but exceed, the stringent demands of information security.

Thank You

We extend our deepest gratitude to our dedicated team for their hard work in achieving this milestone and to our clients for their unwavering trust and support. We are excited to continue to serve you with the highest standards of security and quality.

Explore our services and learn more about our commitment to security.

Together, we create a secure and seamless future.