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Why cybersecurity needs to be adaptive


Cybersecurity needs to be able to adapt to evolving threats in the same manner that biological organisms must. When the environmental conditions change, only rising to meet them can ward off disaster. In 2018 the digital landscape, forever in a state of flux, will give rise to threats we didn’t know about in 2017.

With the increased digitisation of so many business practices, both the potential losses as well as the need for adaptive cybersecurity is greater than ever before.

Evolving tech means evolving threats

Cyber criminals can now inflict more damage with less effort.

As our technology becomes capable of so much more, it offers a significantly higher amount of access points to cybercriminals. This makes it easier for them to access a greater volume information, meaning they can inflict more extensive damage with less effort. While our security technology has developed too, it’s important that IT security professionals are creating systems that can adapt to different scenarios quickly and efficiently.

In June 2017, an outbreak of ransomware infections hit numerous targets across the globe. Primarily known as Petya (plus a host of other names), the malware was similar to WannaCry, a ransomware that had surfaced about a month earlier. Despite the similarities, many business and government networks across the world weren’t prepared to handle it.

Petya did significant damage to Ukrainian public infrastructure and even though this malware was notably flawed, it was still able to penetrate systems it shouldn’t have. Adaptive security measures could have prevented this.

Only the most adaptive security achitecture can keep your network protected.Old Charlie may not have been very computer savvy, but he had the right idea about adaptivity.

The benefits of adaptivity

The benefits to an adaptive cybersecurity system are clear as day. By building security architecture that encompasses multiple modes of action – not just prevention and detection, but also forensics, intelligence and endpoint capabilities, security infrastructure can do it’s job more efficiently. The extra information gained from additional security measures is vital to continued protection. Furthermore, adaptive cybersecurity goes further than just significantly reducing risk but also creates a framework for minimising the damage if a breach does occur.

Managed security can keep you ahead of the curve

A large, dedicated in-house security team can often be a huge financial burden to small and medium sized businesses. Instead of spreading your IT staff thin, a managed security service can step in to fill the void. This means you will have a cybersecurity expert constantly monitoring your network to ensure it’s safe and sound. Security technicians are constantly on the pulse of what’s happening in the cyber landscape and can adjust and update systems accordingly.

Managed security is the best way to keep your network safe and sound. For more information, contact the experts at LOOKUP.com today.