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Do you know about Microsoft Office 365 Secure Score?

Have you ever wondered how secure your organisation is? Office 365 Secure Score is here to answer that question. This business tool allows your Office 365 organisation to have its own security audit. This audit is based on your regular activity and security settings you have assigned. From this information, Microsoft generates a report and assigns your business a secure score.

How does Secure Score Work?

Secure Scores taps into the Office 365 services that your business is using (OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint) and then analyses your settings. From these your business is compared to the Office 365 standards that have been established by Microsoft. The score your business is given is a representation of how aligned you are with the Microsoft best security practices.

Improving your score 

One of the great things about Microsoft is that they give you all the power to improve the Secure Score of your business. An action queue is created based on your business settings and activities highlighting the best ways to help increase your security and reduce the risk of a breach.

Each action expands to show a detailed summary of how these changes can help your business. From an explanation of what threats it’ll help protect you from to a detailed instruction on how to get this action completed. One of the things that Microsoft does well is its ability to cater to all its users. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to understand all the technical terms of IT as Microsoft provides clear instructions on each security action for anyone to follow up and act upon.

How will it help your business?

All the features in Secure Score are available to you within the built-in security features of Office 365. Secure Score is a tool which demonstrates how to make the most of these features. With the score Analyser, Microsoft illustrates the impact of your actions and how it affects your business on a daily basis. From this analysis, you can use this data to take steps in the right direction to help protect your business from potential threats. This business tool from Microsoft is just one of many waits the business has empowered its users.

How do I access my Secure Score?

Anyone who has been assigned admin permissions for an Office 365 Business Premium or Enterprise subscription can access the Secure Score at https://securescore.office.com.

Need help on your Microsoft products?

LOOKUP is a Gold Microsoft Partner and can help your business with all its enquires.  Find out more here on contact us here